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제2차관, 제55차 인권이사회 고위급회기 기조연설(2.27.)


Statement by H.E. Kang Insun

Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs

of the Republic of Korea

High-level Segment

55th session of the Human Rights Council

Madam Vice-President,

High Commissioner,

Distinguished Delegates,

It is my great pleasure to address the Human Rights Council this year. I would like to commend High Commissioner Volker Türk and the OHCHR for their tireless dedication to promoting human rights.

As we have recently commemorated the seventy-fifth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, we are reminded of our collective duty to preserve its legacy as the moral compass for human dignity.

Today, the promise of the Declaration is overshadowed by pervasive challenges to human rights across the globe, including the serious humanitarian situation unfolding in Gaza and the protracted conflict in Ukraine.

In response to these challenges, the Republic of Korea is committed to reigniting the spirit of international solidarity that paved the way for the creation of the Declaration.

We hope to promote constructive dialogue within the Council, champion innovative solutions to human rights challenges, and remain a steadfast partner in the pursuit of fundamental freedoms. Today, I wish to highlight three points.

First, we must work together to ensure the Human Rights Council remains focused on bridging the gap between human rights commitments and their actual implementation.

The Council should enhance cooperation with Member States to build the capacity necessary for translating international human rights norms into tangible realities.

Aspiring to become a Global Pivotal State(GPS), Korea is ready to play its role. We have more than doubled our financial contribution to the OHCHR this year. We have also increased our official development assistance by 40% this year.

We hope that our efforts can make a difference in the human rights capacity of countries. Second, the Council should address the new challenges the digital age brings to human rights, including issues related to digital privacy and the ethics of artificial intelligence.

To ensure that technological advancements contribute to the enhancement of human rights, Korea is leading the Council’s resolution on digital technologies. This year, we are also hosting international conferences, such as the AI Safety Summit, to discuss and promote responsible AI practices.

The digital divide is also a central issue in the human rights discourse. As President Yoon Suk Yeol announced in the UN General Assembly last year, Korea is committed to bridging this divide. By sharing our experiences in developing new technologies, we aim to ensure that the benefits of technological advancements are accessible to all.

Third, inclusivity must be at the heart of the Council’s work. The voices of the vulnerable, particularly women and children, must inform our human rights policies and practices.

Korea is a strong advocate of the Women, Peace, and Security agenda. We have been hosting international conferences to shine a spotlight on women in conflict situations and have set up the "Action with Women and Peace Fund" to support these efforts.

Madam Vice-President,

As we mark the tenth anniversary of the UN Commission of Inquiry's report, we remain gravely concerned by the lack of progress in the human rights situation in the DPRK.

The DPRK persists in denying its citizens their fundamental rights, diverting resources to unlawful weapons programs instead of the welfare of its people. Even benign acts, such as watching a TV show from the Republic of Korea, can lead to the harshest punishments, including the death penalty.

The reports of North Korean escapees being forcibly repatriated are also deeply troubling. We implore Member States to respect the principle of non-refoulement.

In closing, I would like to ask the support of Member States for Korea’s candidacy for a seat on the Human Rights Council for the 2025-27 term.

Emerging from the ashes of conflict, Korea has built a dynamic, inclusive society that stands as a testament to what can be achieved when a nation embraces the ideals of the Universal Declaration.

And we are keen to share the insights and lessons learned from our unique journey with the Council.

Thank you. /END/

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