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2024 Study in Korea College Fair in USA


2024 Study in Korea College Fair

- Date: 10/5 - 10/6 (Sat & Sun)

- Time: 11 AM – 6 PM

- Place:  The Source OC Mall (central court)

- Free admission: Bring your friends! All are welcome.

- K-pop performances, coupon events, and more.  

- RSVP for more details: CLICK HERE

- Apply for Student Volunteer Opportunity: CLICK HERE

  <10+ Korean University Attending>

- Meet with college representatives and get your questions answered

- Learn about programs, scholarships, and transferring course credits

- Explore colleges and universities and begin your college search

<Online College Fair>

 - October 4th to 8th 2024

 - 28+ Participating Universities

 - Online Consultation (Live Chat, Q&A)

 - Online Admission Application (Availability of consultation and admission application varies by participating universities)

 - RSVP to attend the Online College Fair

 - Direction to attend Online College Fair: CLICK HERE

<Conversation with a Senior Studying Abroad in Korea (Talk Concert)>

 - Date & Time: 10/5 (Sat) & 10/6 (Sun) 3 PM - 4 PM

  • [October 5] Korea University Graduate who majored in International Studies in 2018

  • [October 6] Yonsei University Graduate who majored in Statistical Data Science in 2022

 - Place: 2nd Floor E-Plex Multipurpose Room


- Hear from a graduate about the Study abroad in Korea experience

- How to prepare your applications

- What to expect from study abroad

- Career prospect

- Q & A


- kecla3112@gmail.com

- (213)386-3112
