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「2025 Window on Korea Overseas Installation Funding Project」


The National Library of Korea is conducting a demand survey regarding the 「2025 Window on Korea Overseas Installation Funding Project: Window on Korea(WOK) We look forward to your participation.

We engcourage institutions willing to stall Windon on Korea to fill out our application from and sumbit it through diplomatic office in your country.

 1. Project Title: Installation and Operation of Window orn Korea(WOK)

 2.  Target Institutions: Major foregin libraries

3. Main Contents: Installation Funding & Material Support for the Installation of Window on Korea(WOK)

4. How to Submit: Submit your application by email(chicago@mofa.go.kr)

5. Application Deadline: October 18th 2024

6. Implementation Schedule:

O Reveiw applications and notify selected institutions

December 2024

O Request and receive detailed installtion plans

January 2025

O WOK installation

  - request resource selection & provide selected resources; probide installation funding support 

 - submit project account adjustment and expense report)

January 2025 ~ December 2025

7. Questions
 - Email: windwow@korea.kr

 - Tel: +82-590-6327

 - Fax: +82-2-590-6329
